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Lake Erie Live 2024
The 2024 class list and judges roster is under construction and will be posted as soon as it is finalized.
While its not done quite yet...we can tell you that it is being SHORTENED from last year.

You know them- You love them-
They're the people that make this thing Rock & Roll.
Line up is still in the works. If you'd like to be considered as a Judge- Please drop us an email at and let us know your background and what division you'd like to judge.

Current List of Entrants
$ Payment Received * Entry Form Received ^ Lunch(s)
Trina Houser * $
Mackenzie Betteridge * $
Julie Keim * $ ^2
Alexis Dedes * $
Danielle Kohler *
Danielle Kirk * $
Cindy Sheets * $
Charlene Schnarr * $
Dawn Dent * $
Megan Walston *
Kendall Butler * $
Cindy Forster * $
Becky Wilgus * $
Macie Sowers * $
Abby Kennedy *
Sara Bowman *
Angela Krueger * $
Marisa Hildebrandt * $
Joyce Savage * $
Rebecca Callens * $
Hannah Leathers *
Karen Zorn * $
Emma Duncan * $
Jessica Colgan * $
Jill Foster *
Jenny Steinmetz * $
Fran Kafka * $
Karla Phelps * $
Amy Oehlenschlager * $
Meghan Shanyfelt *
Wendy Pander * $
Tricia Brennan * $
Greg Stebnitz * $
Latasha Webb *
Caroline Marsh * $
Sarah Tregay * $
Donna Steed *
Sarah Pavolko *
Summer Kozisek *
Shari Love *
Samantha Burnette *
Mel Grant * $ ^1
Sarah Kuchauski
Amanda Bowe
Melanie Gill
Hannah Goby
Anna Rieck
Karen Cook $ ^2
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